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材料写作网    时间: 2021-07-27 04:06:26     阅读:

[摘要] 介绍本院临床药学工作开展情况和展望。从临床药师查房、药品不良反应(事件)监测工作、药物咨询和合理用药宣传、抗菌药物合理使用监控、参与医院临床会诊、带教工作等方面,叙述了临床药学具体的工作内容。进一步开展上市药物的再评价、临床药学科研、临床中药师的培养工作。本院临床药学已经有了较好的开端,但是还要进一步努力。临床药学工作应该进一步与临床紧密结合,促进临床合理用药。

[关键词] 临床药学;临床药师;现状;展望

[中图分类号] R95 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-163-02

Present situation and prospect of the clinical pharmaceutical work in our hospital

WANG Kuipeng1, GUO Xiaojuan2, Li Fubo3

1.The First Affiliated Hospital of He′nan College of TCM, He′nan Province, Zhengzhou450000, China; 2.Zhang Zhongjing College of Chinese Medicine, Nanyang Institute of Technology, He′nan Province, Nanyang473000, China; 3.The First People"s Hospital of Nanyang City, He′nan Province, Nanyang473000, China

[Abstract] This paper introduces the present situation and prospect of the clinical pharmacy in our Hospital. The specific contents of the work in clinical pharmacy are described from the ward rounds of clinical pharmacist, ADR monitoring, drug consultation and rational administration propaganda, rational use of antimicrobial agents monitoring, clinical consultation and teaching, etc, which provides the foundation of the work for further development of drug revaluation, clinical pharmaceutical research and the training of clinical pharmacist of traditional Chinese medicine. The results show that clinical pharmacy in our hospital achieves a good beginning, but also needs further efforts. It should further make the clinical pharmacy closely related to the clinical and promote clinical rational use of drugs.

[Key words] Clinical pharmacy; Clini...

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