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材料写作网    时间: 2020-06-29 04:40:04     阅读:

摘 要: 在感应电机转差频率矢量控制系统中,电流环的性能对整个系统响应的快速性和准确性有着重要影响,而电流环在两轴直流旋转(d⁃q)坐标系下存在交叉耦合,并且随着电源角频率的增大耦合成分增大,导致电流环特性变差。为此提出一种新的优化方法,即在传统PI电流控制器的基础上,设定合理的模糊规则并选取合适的PI参数[kI,kP,]对电流系统进行优化。在Matlab的Simulink模块下对电流系统建模仿真,仿真结果表明,设计的控制方法有效地降低了两轴之间的相互扰动,提高了电流控制系统的动态特性,且新方法简单易行,有较强的鲁棒性。

关键词: 电流控制; 感应电机; 模糊控制; 矢量控制; Matlab

中图分类号: TN876⁃34; TM301.2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004⁃373X(2017)03⁃0131⁃05

A new method used for optimizing induction motor current loop

SONG Xuejian, ZHENG Bin, CHEN Ye, WANG Tianqi

(School of Computer Science and Control Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China)

Abstract: In the slip frequency vector control system of the induction motor, the performance of the current loop has an important influence on the rapidity and accuracy of the whole system response. Since the cross coupling exists in the current loop under the d⁃q DC rotating coordinate system, is increased with the angular frequency of the power supply, and makes the cha⁃racteristics of current loop poor, a new optimization method is proposed. On the basis of the traditional PI current controller, the reasonable fuzzy rules were set and the appropriate PI parameters of ki and kp were chosen to optimize the current system. The current system was modeled and simulated with Simulink module in Matlab. The simulation results show that the control method can effectively reduce the mutual interference between the two axis, improve the dynamic characteristic of the current control system...

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