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材料写作网    时间: 2020-02-29 11:27:26     阅读:

M5U3写作材料与本单元话题GM food and cloning有关 目前,农业部批准了两种转基因水稻的安全证书,再一次引起了人们对转基因食品的讨论。以下是某网站收集的关于转基因食品的看法,请你根据下表内容给The New York Times写一封信介绍调查结果并简单发表个人看法。

反对方 1. 可能伤害周边的植物和昆虫 2. 对人体有潜在的危害 3. 转基因农作物产量并不比农作物产量高 支持方 1. 可以解决粮食短缺问题 2. 减少农药使用 3. 节省生产成本,降低食物售价 No.17, Puming Road Shanghai, China September 12, 2010 620 Eighth Avenue New York, USA Dear Editor, I am writing to tell you about the recent debate about GM food in China. People against it hold the opinion that GM food will endanger the surrounding plants and some insects . Worse still, some people only care about the profits it brings and neglect the fact that it can put people’s health in danger. Last, production of GM crops is no higher than that of regular crops. So GM food will end up in failure. Despite the fears and worries raised by opponents of GM food, its supporters think that GM food is of great value. For one thing, it can not only help people fight against food shortage, but also reduce the use of pesticides. For another, GM food requires less energy, water, and soil, thus reducing production costs as well as food prices. In my opinion, GM food will play an important role in relieving people’s worry about food shortage in the long run. Though it may have some disadvantages, we can not give up eating for fear of choking. Best wishes Sincerely yours, Li Jun 近年来,种植转基因水稻逐渐在我国展开。你班同学就是否应该种植转基因水稻进行了讨论。请你根据下表用英语写一篇短文,介绍讨论结果并简要谈谈个人看法。

30赞成 1.不易遭受病虫害,减少农药的使用,对消费者和环境有好处 2.产量高,有利于农民提高收入 70反对 1.大米是...

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