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材料写作网    时间: 2020-03-27 12:24:53     阅读:

The main work accomplished in 2006 includes the following 1 Macroeconomic regulation was strengthened and improved The central government adopted a series of timely macroeconomic regulatory measures to address major problems affecting economic perance such as overheated investment excessive money and credit supply and serious trade imbalance We strengthened land regulation by strictly controlling the expansion of land used for construction and took stern actions against violations of laws and regulations concerning land use We strengthened supervision of money supply and credit raised the basic interest rate on RMB loans twice and raised the reserve requirements for financial institutions three times We strengthened the role of fiscal and tax measures in regulating economic activities We tightened the examination and approval process oversight and inspection of new projects to be launched on the market We strengthened regulation and oversight of the real estate market to improve the mix of market housing available These macroeconomic regulatory measures started to work resulting in a drop in the growth rate in fixed asset investments and slower growth of the bank credit supply We thus prevented rapid economic growth from becoming overheated growth and avoided drastic fluctuations 2 Work related to agriculture rural areas and farmers was intensified Steady progress was made in building a new socialist countryside Central government budgetary spending on agriculture rural areas and farmers reached 339 7 billion yuan a year on year increase of 42 2 billion yuan We rescinded the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products nationwide ending a tax that had been collected on grain farmers in China...

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