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材料写作网    时间: 2019-12-17 10:23:06     阅读:

精品文库 综合写作题型分类单话题类/双话题类 话题分类生物生态类/商业经济/文学艺术/化石考古/燃料能源 多样化表达 阅读 The reading, the passage, the author, the article 听力 The listening, the lecture, the lecturer, the professor, the speaker 认为 believe, hold, suggest, support, point out, advocate提倡,主张,通常不用于反对意见, claim 反驳 Criticize vt. 批评 criticism n. (crisis n. 危机) Argue, challenge, doubt, disagree, refute, . Is questionable. 但是 However, although, on the other hand, in contrast, while, 增加 Increasen She believes that ..; According to the writer, .. is associated with.. because of . To rebut this idea, the professor claims that . This tendency, contrary to the view in the passage, will . Second, the passage says that , while the lecturer argues that this may give rise to引起,导致,发生 .., which contradicts the point made in the passage. Finally, opposing the authors belief that . incur greater declines, the professor contends that even though p, they will . Thus, ... Mine The speaker and the author hold divergent attitudes toward Topic. The author holds that while the speaker argues 主体段阅读详写时,首句单独写阅读观点而不写成从句。

According to the writer, .. is associated with.. because of . To rebut this idea, the professor claims that . This tendency, contrary to the view in the passage, will . The second reason the author gives is that by .. , because . However, the professor argues that First, the passage supports the pollution theory because 理由A1, which might lead to (进一步原因A1)。However,the speaker challenges that 理由B1,so 进一步原因A1 seem implausible. On the other hand, this strengthens the 观点B because if 观点下的事实、推论,即对观点的另一种表述,(观点下的进一步原因B1)...

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