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材料写作网    时间: 2020-01-13 09:34:13     阅读:

高考写作系列指导材料作文模版 一、 观点对比 模板1 第一段引出主题 1.I’m writing to tell you the discussion we’ve had about whether 我写信告诉你我班关于某事的讨论 Opinions are divided on this matter.There are two different viewpoints about it . / Among them there are two types of attitude in.在方面有两种态度 2.Recently I have made a survey about whether 最近我对是否作了一次调查.100 people accepted my survey. Among them there are two types of attitude. 第二段观点对比展开 1.60 of the students are for the idea of doing 60的同学赞成做某事的想法. They believe that Besides, Above all, However / On the other hand, 40 of them don’t think so / don’t agree with them. In their opinion, They suggest that 2.30 of them think that and that Another 30 are against the idea of doing they believe that The rest / other 40 don’t agree either of the ideas above.其余的40不赞成以上任一种观点 In their opinion, 第三段陈述自己的看法 1.In my opinion / From my point of view, /2. As far as I know, . 结尾句Only when we can we do /Only in this way can we do 模板2 The topic about is becoming more and more popular in our school recently. There are two sides of opinion about it. Some students prefer to consider doing sth.或 Some students say is their favorite. they think that 理由一. What’s more, 理由二. Moreover, 理由三 However, others believe is a better choice for three reasons. 然而,其余的人认为做某事是一种较好的选择,有三个方面的理由 to begin with, 理由一. Next, .. In addition, From my point of view, the er is surely a wise choice. The reason is that或者用As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that依我来看,我坚决支持这种观点 that引导同位语从句 模板3好处与坏处的对比 1.In recent years, has been popular. There are m...

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