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材料写作网    时间: 2021-02-27 04:08:55     阅读:

【摘要】 目的 探讨激素替代治疗卵巢早衰患者的左心功能变化。方法 回顾性分析2008 年1 月至2010 年12月省一院接受克龄蒙治疗的卵巢早衰患者24例的临床资料。将24例患者与正常育龄妇女24例作为对照组,运用超声心动图仪测量FS、EF、SV、CO及CI等指标。结果 激素替代治疗一年后, 左心功能指标治疗组与正常对照组差异无统计学意义。(P>0.05)。结论 卵巢功能衰退妇女体内低雌激素水平状态下,心脏功能发生不利变化。当补充外源性雌激素作替代疗法时,其心功能得到明显改善。卵巢早衰患者应在医生指导下考虑尽早进行激素替代治疗,减少女性心血管终点事件的过早发生。

【关键词】 激素替代治疗;卵巢早衰;左心功能


Hormone replacement therapy in premature ovarian failure in patients with left heart function

ZHOU Jun, YUAN Tao, YU Chong.

Department of cardiology,The First People’s Hospital of Kunming City,Kunming 650031,China

【Abstract】 Objective

To investigate the hormone replacement treatment of premature ovarian failure in patients with left heart function. Methods a retrospective analysis of 2008 January to 2010 December in our hospital to accept Climen treatment of premature ovarian failure in patients with the clinical data of 24 cases of. Methods 24 cases of patients with normal women of childbearing age in 24 cases as control group, using ultrasound heartbeat graph measurement of FS, EF, SV, CO and CI index. Results hormone replacement therapy after one year, left heart function indexes of the treatment group and the control group had no significant difference. (P>0.05). Conclusion the ovarian function decline in women who have lower levels of estrogen status, cardiac function of adverse changes. When the supplementation of exogenous estrogen as a replacement therapy, cardiac function improved. Premature ovarian failure patients should be under the guidance of a doctor ...

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