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材料写作网    时间: 2021-03-16 04:09:11     阅读:

[摘要] 军队全科医学人才作为基层部队官兵健康的'守门人“,在基层医疗体系中占据核心地位,故其培养模式是军医大学医学教育重点探索的内容。我国开始培养军队全科医生的时间较迟,执行情况亦不容乐观,故急需认清当前存在的问题所在,为我国的军队全科医学人才培养模式提供可尝试的途径。为进一步探索军队全科医学人才教育和培养的发展道路,本文通过搜集整理有关军医大学全科医学人才培养的文献,在阐述了当前我国军队全科医生培养存在的问题的基础上,为军医大学培养全科医学人才提出较为可行的对策与建议。

[关键词] 军医大学;军队全科医学人才;培养模式;教学改革;战斗力标准

[中图分类号] R82[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1672-5654(2016)11(c)-0069-03

Research on Cultivation Model of General Medical Talents in the Military Medical College

CAO Jun-yu, SU Hao, XU Zhi-jie

Cadet Brigade, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433 China

[Abstract] The military general medical talents, as the healthy porters of officers and soldiers of grass-root troops, play a core role in the primary medical system, the education model of them is a key content of medical education in the military medical college, however, the education time in our country is later, and the implementation is not optimistic, and we should make clear the current issues, and provide the feasible ways of education model of general medical talents in our country. In order to further explore the development ways of education and training of military general medical talents, the paper puts forwards the feasible strategies and suggestions of cultivating the general medical talents in the military medical college on the basis of elaborating the current issues in the training of military general doctors by searching for the related literatures of general medical talents in the military medical college.

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