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材料写作网    时间: 2020-01-20 05:33:28     阅读:

  摘 要: 体育产业服务需求是在响应国家供给侧改革与促进经济体制改革、促进体育产业结构转型、体育产业热潮后的'冷思考“时代背景下形成的。体育产业服务供给路径选择:凸显区域体育产业特色,培育体育产业与市场、社会协同发展,加强体育产业政策供给推动;培育跨学科、跨行业结合的体育产业人才与从业人员主动服务意识;打造'互联网+体育产业“多元化服务平台;遵循市场规律,明确体育产业主体投资方向;打造体育产业服务品牌与服务营销策略;建设群众身边易行的体育健身场所;构建体育产业与全民健身协同发展理念。
  关键词: 体育产业;服务供给;需求;路径选择
  中图分类号:G80-052 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-2076(2018)06-0035-05
  Abstract: With the methods of literature review, interview and logical induction, starting from the time background of sports industry service demand, the authors analyzed the service supply of sports industry. Results show that service demand is formed in response to the national sports industry supply side reform and the economic system reform, as well as the sports industry structural transformation and "calm thinking" after the era of sports industry boom. Sports industry service supply routes are given as follows:to highlight the characteristics of regional sports industry, foster the coordinated development of sports industry, market and society, and strengthen the policy supply of sports industry; to cultivate the active service consciousness of sports industry service talents and practitioners in interdisciplinary and cross-industry sectors; to create a diversified service platform of "Internet + sports industry"; to follow the market rules and clarify the direction of investment in sports industry; to build sports industry service brand and service marketing strategy; to build a sports and fitness center that will be easily accessible to the masses; to build ...

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