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材料写作网    时间: 2021-03-21 04:09:56     阅读:

[摘要] 作为'一带一路“沿线重要国家,俄罗斯的中医药传播历史可以追溯到18世纪。历经3个世纪的发展,中医药已在俄罗斯获得广泛认可,吸引大量专家学者不断研究,出版诸多论著。针灸更是发展成具有俄罗斯特色的针刺反射疗法。为进一步推进中医药在俄罗斯的发展,需要客观研究当下面临的问题,如学术偏斜、药品注册难和行医不合法等。中医药在俄罗斯健康持续的发展离不开当地法律政策的支持,这是关键保障,要密切配合相关部门推动中医药立法。在此基础上,应当探索新的路径和模式,如参与国际组织多边合作,携手当地企业共同发展,实现利益共享,也符合'一带一路“倡议中提出的政策沟通、贸易畅通和民心相通原则。

[关键词] '一带一路“;传统医学;中医药;俄罗斯;立法

[中图分类号] R2-03 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)09(c)-0126-04

[Abstract] Russia is an important country along the Belt and Road whose history of disseminating traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dates back to the 18th century. After three centuries of development, TCM has been widely recognized in Russia, with a large number of experts and scholars continuously studying it and many works published. Acupuncture has even developed into acupuncture and reflexology with Russian characteristics. In order to further promote TCM development in Russia, it is necessary to study the problems facing TCM at the moment in an objective manner, such as academic misconduct, difficulties in drug registration and illegal medical practices. The support of local laws and policies is a key guarantee for the healthy and sustainable development of TCM in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to closely cooperate with local authorities to promote TCM legislation. New paths and models should be explored on that basis by participating in multilateral cooperation of international organizations and joining hands with local enterprises for common development and shar...

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