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材料写作网    时间: 2023-04-26 09:20:04     阅读:

主题语境:艺术博物馆 篇幅:344词 建议用时:7分钟

1The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City,Missouri collects more than 7,500 high-quality Chinese works,ranging from ceramics (瓷器) to furniture,and from paintings to sculptures.'We may not have the biggest Chinese art collection,but it is one of the finest in the world,“says Ling-en Lu,curator (馆长)and Chinese art specialist of the museum.

2An exhibition on the theme of Lively Creatures: Animals in Chinese Art was held at the museum,which displayed lots of ancient Chinese paintings with images of animals in many art forms.The creatures on the paintings represent celebration,personal messages,and so on.

3Organizers of the exhibition produced a set of cards,with images of animals on one side and their cultural meanings in Chinese artistic tradition on the other.For example,deer symbolize a long life.The cards are provided to visitors for free.

4'I find it very interesting,and the way that the things are drawn is very cool,“says Camden Lombard,a 17-year-old high school student,after visiting the exhibition.'I feel like I know a lot more about Chinese culture and what Chinese people were like back then as well as their beliefs and stuff.'I want to go to China someday to find more,“he adds.

5'It"s a big source of pride having such a collection of Chinese art,“says Christie Makar,an educator with the school outreach and educator programs of the museum.'It"s kind of eye-opening and we"re bringing the world together,“says Makar.'There are so many similarities and we can appreciate the bea...

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